Multiple levels GCI

In Powershell version 3 there is no way to limit the number of levels to do something in directories/registry/AD and so forth. So if you want to do that you can use a script like this:

[int]$Levels = "4"
$Directory = "\\Directory"
$List = GCI $Directory | Where {$_.psiscontainer -eq $true}
$Templist = $list
$temp = @()
While ($levels -ne 1){
Foreach ($item in $Templist){
$Temp += gci $item.Fullname | Where {$_.PSisContainer -eq $True}}
$list += $Temp
$Templist = $Temp
$Temp =@()}
$list = $list | Sort-Object Fullname
Foreach ($line in $List){Add-content -value $Line.Fullname -path ".\Export.csv"}