Tag Archives: Window 8

Export all tasks in the domain

In the spirit of controlling all tasks you can do an export of them all in your domain. To do this you can use to following script. This script uses the schtasks.exe. It exports the scheduled tasks on any server in the domain. The list of those servers is generated based on when the have logged on to the domain. I explained that in this post.

You can adjust this code to your needs.

Ipmo ActiveDirectory
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)
$list = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows Server 20*" -and LastLogonDate -gt $Date' -Properties LastLogonDate,Operatingsystem
Foreach ($Computer in $list){$Export = $Null
$Export = schtasks /query /FO CSV /V /S $Computer.DNSHostName
$Path = ".\"+$Computer.Name+".csv"
If ($Export -ne $Null){Foreach ($Line in $Export){AC -Value $Line -Path $Path}}
If ($Export -eq $Null){AC -Value $Computer.DNSHostName -Path ".\Error.csv"}}
$CSV = gci .\* -Include *.csv | ? {$_.FullName -notmatch "Error.csv"}
$List = @()
$List += Import-CSV $CSV -Delimiter ","
$List | Export-CSV ".\CompleteExport.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Append -NoTypeInformation


Office 2010,2013 activation problem

For a customer I prepared an image. This image contained  a 32 bit version of Office 2010. I needed to enter a key for the installation. At that point I did not had access to their  volume licensing. I wanted to complete the image as soon as possible. That is why I entered a MSDN key. I was unaware at that point that this would cause many problems. First of all the deployed image at that point didn’t accept MAK keys. When I entered the MAK key I received an error that the key was incorrect. After an hour of troubleshooting I downloaded the VL version of Office 2010. I clicked on install. After install Office 2010 accepted my key. However it didn’t activate. I had to call Microsoft Activiation Center in order to activate the key. I asked them why automatic activation did not work. They said that I had to contact MSDN Activation Support. I put the two together and knew that this was caused by the MSDN key that somewhere was activated. I looked for an activation key in the registry somewhere. After deleting some keys I could activate. The keys are:


And if you installed the 32 bit Office 2010:


Do this before you install Office 2010 VL.


You can install a VPN Server on a Disk Station or Rack Station Synology NAS. When you configure a PPTP setting you can connect from any device without much configuration. However when you want a more secure solution you can choose for L2TP. When you open the correct ports on your router and Synology firewall you can connect from any iOS, Mac OS X, Android and even Windows Phone device. However Windows assumes that you always connect with a direct internet line (so without NAT) to a Internet Server (so without NAT). There is not other configuration. Now in my case I’m mostly behind a NAT device and my Synology most definitely is behind a NAT router. So you have to change some settings in the register and reboot before this works. Microsoft has made a KB for it. In this KB they refer only Vista and Server 2008 as being applicable. But Windows 7, 8, 8.1 , Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 and Server 2012 R2 are also affected. If you configure Windows as specified in the KB you can successfully connect to your Synology.

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 install dotnet Frameworks 3.5

To install dotnet framework 3.5 you’ll will have to do a couple of things. First of all you need to disable a task as soons as you have completed setup. Well this is actually optional. It is necessary to do this step if you want to deploy that image to other PC’s. Windows 8(.1) deletes install media to save disk space. Run the following command immediately after setup completed:

schtasks.exe /change /disable /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\AppxDeploymentclient\Pre-Staged App CleanUp"

To install the DotNet Framework 3.5 feature in Windows 8(.1) run the following command. Where D: is the installtion media

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:d:\sources\sxs

All of the above of course in an elevated Powershell window