Tag Archives: Automation

ShareFile edit Storage quota limit

I just wrote an opinion about the Powershell module of Citrix ShareFile. Now let’s get to it. This is the fun part. You’ll have to take a close look at how Citrix describes things. So if you want to manage the StorageQuotaLimitGB field using Powershell, you can use the script below. I’ll get in detail about it.

Add-PSSnapin ShareFile
$SFClient = Get-SfClient -Name File.sfps
$User = Send-SfRequest $SFClient -Method GET -Entity "Accounts\Employees" | ?{$_.Email -match "EmailAddress@Domain.TLD"}
$Property = new-object ShareFile.Api.Models.AccountUser
$NewQuota = ([int]$Quota = (Send-SfRequest $SFClient -Method GET -Entity "users" -Id $User.id).StorageQuotaLimitGB) + "5"
$Property.StorageQuotaLimitGB = $NewQuota
$Uri = $user.url.OriginalString.replace("Contacts","Users/AccountUser")
$Result = Send-SfRequest -Client $SFClient -Method Patch -Uri $Uri  -Body $property
If ($Result.StorageQuotaLimitGB -notmatch $NewQuota){Write-Error "Value is niet aangepast"}

This script will export all users and then select the user with the e-mailaddress specified. You can of course enter a string there with a specific value. Then it creates a new property with the value AccountUser. See it like this you want to edit this value but it is not in the Entity Users but one endpoint lower. It is in the entity AccountUser. AccountUser is below the entity User. If you for example would enter -Entity “Users”, the script will fail because the value StorageQuotaLimitGB is simply not present at that level. At first I got this wrong.  So that’s why you set this value lower. It is described on the site of Citrix but just a bit cryptic. Look for this part of the text:


So then the script get the current limit and adds an additional 5 GB to that limit. This is caught in a integer. Than I get the URL. Please not that here in the EU we have a different link. This script is not impacted by that but this explanation is. ShareFile uses this link:


Well if you use the Entity Users the link above will be used. As said above you’ll want to point to the endpoint AccountUser. So the script changes the current uri from contacts to this:


That is the magic. Next the script sends a request to the REST API of ShareFile to apply the new StorageQuotaLimitGB. At last it checks if the change is actually applied. If it isn’t a error is written.

Powershell ShareFile

When a software developer introduces a Powershell module or snapin I’m always excited about it. So Citrix released a Powershell snapin for ShareFile. There are some good thing about it, some bad things and one ugly thing.

The bad

So Citrix says that the ShareFile module is without the guarantee that it’ll actually work. See it like a beta product. This directly indicates that you’ll find very few documentation about. But even more worrying is that you’re on your own because it is unsupported. Citrix released a Powershell version but at the same time there’s a C# and a Java module. They’ve build this on a REST API. This is beautiful because in a way you’re not really bound to the ShareFile modules. As long as you can talk to the REST API. The API is on version 3 so I think it’s pretty stable and should lose it “in development” state.  But the lack of good documentation and

The Ugly

Well first and foremost, an administrator can create a SFPS file. This file can be used to authenticate to the ShareFile REST API. So you can create a carefree file that could be used by a first in line administrator or a script. And so you don’t have to share the credentials.  By default there’s no expiration date. Meaning that if this file falls in the wrong hands, one can truly demolish your entire environment. A lazy administrator could potentially compromise his entire environment. Via Powershell you can actually get the files in the repository of a ShareFile User. This is a extreme risk of which many administrators are unaware.

The Good

Well there’s a lot good about this. In most cases if there’s a REST API, the GUI is build upon that. So anything you can do in the GUI, can be done using the API. This is an incredible feature set. You can completely manage your environment using the API. I created some scripts to manage the ShareFile API. Right now the community is rather small, but as soon as this grows I’m sure there’s going to be a large knowledge base where you can find help.

If you get the authentication right and the scripts ready I’m sure that this will ease the pressure of the back of the administrators. I’m quite positive anyway.

Connecting to servers outside a domain using Powershell

From time to time you’ll find yourself running scripts to a server outside the domain. If you have the same credentials on that as on the domain there’s no problem. However in most cases you don’t. Normally you will have to encrypt the password as a secure string. However there are cases that such a solution costs to much time. Especially if you have multiple passwords for the same user account (eg. Administrator). So to get this done you might use a old trick to connect to the server using SMB en store the credentials session in the memory of the server running the script. I must admit that this is only if you’ll have to go quick and dirty. If’ve used it once and it may come in handy sometimes.

$Credentiallist = @()
$Credentiallist += "Password1"
$Credentiallist += "Password2"
$Credentiallist += "Password3"
$Credentiallist += "Password4"
$Errors = ".\Error.csv"
$Success = ".\Success.csv"
$net = new-object -ComObject WScript.Network
$ADComputers = Import-CSV ".\DNSNames.csv"
$Computers =@()
$ComputerSuccess =@()
$FailedComputers = @()
Foreach ($ADComputer in $AdComputers)
	$ADComputer = $ADComputer.DNSHostName
	Foreach ($cred in $credentialList)
		If ($ComputerSuccess -notcontains $ADComputer)
			$net.MapNetworkDrive("u:", "\\$ADComputer\c$", $false, "localhost\Administrator", "$Cred")
			If((Test-Path "\\$ADComputer\C$\Windows" ) -eq $True)
				$ComputerSuccess += $ADComputer
				#Do the code you want to run against the server
	If ((get-psdrive -name "U" -Erroraction SilentlyContinue) -ne $null){$net.RemoveNetworkDrive("u:")}

vCenter VM reboot script

Once in a while I run into problems that are really fun resolving. A colleague  of mine said that he was early today to fix the XenApp servers that did not reboot successfully. He said that since the storage of the Citrix Provisioning server was moved from flash to SAS the XenApp servers sometimes cannot boot. A shortage in IOPS is supposed to be the cause of this trouble. However all Provisioning servers combined consume over a TeraByte of storage. During the day this fast storage does not is nearly idle. Only during boot of the XenApp machines it is used in an appropriate manner. So that is quite costly.

VMWare created CMDlet’s the right way. You can basically do anything you can in GUI via Powershell using the PowerCLI.  The PowerCLI is an incredible tool in automatising stuff. We have RES Automation Manager. So I put the bits together and created A Powershell script in RES Automation Manager that runs every night. This script uses a few parameters which you can see in the code in the top section of the script. The script heavily relies on PowerCLI 6.0 This version works for any vCenter server.

The script connects to a VIserver (in this case the vCenter server). Next it gathers a list of all servers. Then it filters server based on the condition if it is PoweredOn and it matches on Name. Next it gets the VMware Tools status. If the status is NotRunning it will be applicable for a restart. The servers will be rebooted in a staggered way. So every two minutes a server will reboot. There’ll be a second attempt if the first attempt fails. At last it sends an e-mail with all server that fit the condition the first time, the second time and server that did not rebooted well.

I hope you can use it.

# Adds the base cmdlets
Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
$Recipients = $[Recipients]
$VIServer = "$[VIServer]"
$NotCondition = "$[NotCondition]"
$Condition = "$[Condition]"
$Username = [Environment]::UserName
$Hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$Mailserver = "$[MailServer]"
$Level = "0"
Connect-VIServer $VIServer

#List bouwen van VM's die voldoen aan de voorwaarden
$List =@(Get-VM | ? {$_.Name -match $Condition -and $_.PowerState -match "PoweredOn" -and $_.Name -notmatch $NotCondition} | Get-VMGuest | ? {$_.State -match "NotRunning"})

#Check of de PowerCLi wel geinstalleerd is
If (((Get-PSSnapin).name -match "VMware.VimAutomation") -eq $Null){$Body = "De computer $Hostname heeft geen PowerCLI geinstalleerd staan. Installeer PowerCLI en probeer het opnieuw "; $Level = "1"}

#Check of er een verbinding is met de VI server
If ($global:DefaultVIServer -eq $null -and $Level -ne "1"){$Body = "Kon geen verbinding krijgen met de VCenter Server: $VIServer. Verander de waarde in het script als de servernaam veranderd is. Controleer of de user $UserName rechten heeft op de VCenter server. Controleer eventueel of de PowerCLI tools op de server wel compatible zijn met de Vcenter Server versie." ; $Level = "2"}

#Geen servers gevonden
If ($list.count -eq "0" -and $Level -eq "0"){$Body = "Er zijn geen server(s) gevonden welke voldoen aan de voorwaarden."}

#Actie bij wel servers gevonden
If ($list.count -gt "0" -and $Level -eq "0"){
$Body = "Er waren "+ $list.count +" server(s) die voldeden aan de voorwaarden. Het gaat om de server(s):`n`n"
$Body = "Er worden "+ $list.count +"servers herstart. De servers zijn:`n`n"
Foreach ($item in $list){$Body = $Body + $Item.vm + "`r"}

#Herstarten van servers
Foreach ($item in $list){Restart-VM -VM $Item.VM -Confirm:$False ; Start-Sleep -s 120}

#Check of er nu geen servers meer zijn die voldoen aan de voorwaarden
$List2 =@(Get-VM | ? {$_.Name -match $Condition -and $_.PowerState -match "PoweredOn" -and $_.Name -notmatch $NotCondition} | Get-VMGuest | ? {$_.State -match "NotRunning"})

#Actie bij wel servers gevonden die nog niet goed herstart zijn
If ($List2.Count -ne "0"){
$Body = $Body + "`n`n Er waren server die nog steeds niet goed herstart waren. De naam van deze server(s) waren:`n`n"
Foreach ($item2 in $list2){$Body = $Body + $Item2.vm + "`r"}
$Body = $Body + "`n`n Er worden geprobeerd de server opnieuw te herstarten."
Foreach ($item2 in $list2){Restart-VM -VM $Item2.VM -Confirm:$False ; Start-Sleep -s 120}
#Laatste check
$List3 =@(Get-VM | ? {$_.Name -match $Condition -and $_.PowerState -match "PoweredOn" -and $_.Name -notmatch $NotCondition} | Get-VMGuest | ? {$_.State -match "NotRunning"})
If ($List3.Count -ne "0"){
$Body = "Er zijn fouten gevonden bij het herstarten van servers. Zie onderaan de e-mail!!" + $Body
$Body = $Body + "`n`n De server die niet herstart zijn na twee pogingen zijn:`n`n"
Foreach ($item3 in $list3){$Body = $Body + $Item3.vm + "`r"}

#Mail versturen
Send-MailMessage -From "Rebootscript@domain.tld" -Subject "VMs rebooten" -To $Recipients -Body $Body -SmtpServer $MailServer

#Output naar Console in het geval dat er geen mail verstuurd is.
Write-host `n`n Mail Body`n

Repair autocomplete in Outlook with RES WM and Zero-profiling

Sometimes things that are meant to make your life easier make it harder. As is the case with RES Workspace Manager with Zero-profiling. If you have published Outlook 2010 or 2013 in RES Workspace Manager and you’ve enabled Zero-profiling fixing a corrupted Autocomplete dat file is not an easy job. Luckily there is a tool called Nk2edit. With NK2edit you can repair and edit NK2 and Autocomplete.dat files. The nice thing about NK2edit is that it has command line parameters. So in my case I made a little Powershell script that does the job.

When a user opens Outlook 2010 a couple of files are being loaded out of the Zero profile. They are loaded under C:\Users\$Username\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Outlook. A file called Stream_Autocomplete_XXXXX.dat is created. In that file the is the autocomplete data stored. All you helpdesk have to do is enter the UNC path of that file in the script. Request the user to close Outlook and let the script do it’s thing. In the background you regenerate the autocomplete file by simple load and save it. This resolves the problem. To do so I let the /Script parameter refer to an empty script file. This manipulates nk2edit to load and save the .dat file. For the script to work you’ll need to download NK2edit.exe. You do not need a commercial license for the script to work, however if you use it commercially you of course do need one ;-).

$Choice = "y"
While ($Choice -eq "Y"){
[console]::ForegroundColor = "Cyan"
Write-Host "Vul de locatie van het autocomplete bestand:" -NoNewline
$Locatie = Read-host

$Result = Test-Path $Locatie
While ($Result -ne $True){Write-Host "De opgegeven locatie bestaat niet. Vul opnieuw in:" -NoNewline Cyan
$Locatie = Read-host
$Result = Test-Path $Locatie}

Write-host "NK2edit wordt uitgevoerd"
 .\NK2Edit.exe /nobackup /nofirstbackup /script .\Script.txt $Locatie
Start-Sleep -s 5
$Testresult = ((Get-date) - (GI $locatie ).LastWriteTime).Seconds
While ($Testresult -ne 15){ $Testresult = ((Get-date) - (GI $locatie ).LastWriteTime).Seconds
Write-host "NK2Edit is klaar"

$Choice = ""
While ($choice -notmatch "[y|n]"){$choice = read-host "Wilt u dit voor nog een user uitvoeren? (Y/N)"}

I compressed the script and NK2edit in a zip file. Click here to download.

Export services

Recently I needed to have an export of all services. To be more specific I needed to have an export of Log On As field of all services. I wanted to have this export for alle computers in de domain. I wanted only servers but you can modify the script as you wish. For this to work you’ll need to have PSRemoting enabled on all servers. I wrote a script that does that job.

I added a LastLogonDate as that can confirm that the specified server is logged on lately. I used 15 days because the LastLogonTimeStamp isn’t a hard value. The Timestamp can fall behind anywhere from 14 to 8 days. So by specifying 15 days you are safe.

Ipmo ActiveDirectory
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-15)
$list = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows Server 20*" -and LastLogonDate -gt $Date' -Properties LastLogonDate,Operatingsystem

Foreach ($Computer in $List){$Export = $Null
$Export = Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName $Computer.DnsHostName | select Name,Startname,Systemname
If ($Export -ne $Null){$Export | Export-CSV ".\Services.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Append -NoTypeInformation}
If ($Export -eq $Null){AC -Value $Computer.DNSHostName -Path ".\Error.csv"}}

Monitor members of the Administrative Group

In a domain with multiple Administrators a rogue Administrator case should be avoided. Some Administrators want to built a backdoor into the domain for whatever reason. Managing these backdoors should be a priority. I have written a script that queries members of the Administrative groups that you might want to monitor. The script than compares it with a reference list that was previously created. If an Administrator is added or removed from one of the group you’ll be notified by mail. To make this work you need to schedule this Powershell script. You’ll also need to have relay permission to a SMTP server from where you run the script. In my case I added a schedule of once an hour. The script expects a file called “Groepenlijst” in which you add the groups.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Path = "LocationOfFile"
$Groups = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match "Groepenlijst"} | Get-Content
$MailServer = "Mailserver"
$Recipients = "Recipient@Domain.TLD","Recipient@Domain.TLD","Recipient@Domain.TLD"

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Result = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match $Group}
If ($Result -eq $null){$Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$File = ($Path+"\"+$Group+".csv")
$Members | Export-CSV -Path $File -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Result = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match $Group}
$DifferenceList = Import-CSV $Result.FullName
$ReferenceList =  Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$MembersRemoved = @()
$MembersAdded = @()
$CompareResult =@( Compare -Property SamAccountName -ReferenceObject $ReferenceList -DifferenceObject $DifferenceList)

Foreach ($item in $CompareResult){
If ($item.sideindicator -eq "<="){$MembersAdded += $Item}
If ($item.sideindicator -eq "=>"){$MembersRemoved += $Item}

If ($MembersAdded.count -ne 0){
If ($Body -ne $null){
If ($MembersAdded.Count -gt 1){$Body = $Body +"`n`n" + "Er zijn nieuwe members toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersAdded){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountName + "`n"}}
If ($MembersAdded.Count -eq 1){$Body = $Body + "`n`n" + "Er is een nieuwe member toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersAdded.samaccountName}}
If ($Body -eq $null){
If ($MembersAdded.Count -gt 1){$Body = "Er zijn nieuwe members toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersAdded){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountname + "`n"}}
If ($MembersAdded.Count -eq 1){$Body = "Er is een nieuwe member toegevoegd aan groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersAdded.samaccountname}}
If ($MembersRemoved.count -ne 0){
If ($Body -ne $null){
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -gt 1){$Body = $Body +"`n`n" + "Er zijn members verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersRemoved){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountName + "`n"}}
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -eq 1){$Body = $Body + "`n`n" + "Er is een member verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersRemoved.samaccountName}}
If ($Body -eq $null){
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -gt 1){$Body = "Er zijn members verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersRemoved){if ($item.sideindicator -eq "=>"){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountname + "`n"}}}
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -eq 1){$Body = "Er is een member verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersRemoved.samaccountname}}

If ($Body -ne $null){
Send-MailMessage -From "FromAddress@Domain.TLD" -Subject "Nieuwe of verwijderde Member(s) voor administratieve groepen" -To $Recipients  -Body $Body -SmtpServer $MailServer

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$File = ($Path+"\"+$Group+".csv")
$Members | Export-CSV -Path $File -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation -Force

In my “groepenlijst” I have added the following groups:

Domain Admins
Enterprise Admins
Schema Admins
Backup Operators
Organization Management
Server Operators
Server Management

Adjust this at will.


Test whether PS Remoting is enabled

PSRemoting is a powerful way to manage remote computers. I often use this. However on some server PSRemoting is not enabled. A custom function can help you. When you import this in a Powershell session you can manage the server that don’t have PSRemoting enabled. I assume that you only have Windows Server 2008 and above servers in you domain.

First import the module or copy-paste it in you shell.

function Test-PSRemoting 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
		#Returns value 1 in a scriptblock on the remote computer
        $errorActionPreference = "Stop" 
        $result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $RemoteComputer {1} 
        Write-Verbose $_ 
        return $false 
    if($result -ne "1") 
        Write-Verbose "The remote computer: $RemoteComputer did not return the expected result. Please make sure you have enough privileges to connect to the computer." -f Red
        return $false 


Then to use it you can use the following code:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Import-Module ".\TestPSRemoting.psm1" -Force
$Servers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties OperatingSystem | Where {$_.OperatingSystem -match "Server"}
Write-host "There are " $Servers.count " servers found"
$DomainUser = ($env:userdomain+"\"+$env:username)
$secureString = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Enter your password"

Foreach ($Server in $Servers){
$Result = $null
$ServerName = $Server.Name
$Result = Test-PSRemoting $Server
If ($Result -eq $False){
Write-Host "PSRemoting will be enabled on server: $Server"
$Date = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(30)
schtasks /create /S $ServerName /RU $DomainUser /RP $secureString /SC Once /SD $date.ToString('dd"/"MM"/"yyy') /ST $date.ToString('HH":"mm') /TN "Enable PSRemoting" /TR "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe Enable-PSRemoting -Force" /F

You need to be an Administrator of course or at least have enough permission to enable psremoting. If PSremoting is disabled an task will be scheduled to enable it within 30 minutes. You can enable PSRemoting remotely using the script. If you want to enable PSremoting on all workstations you’ll need to change the definition to something else. For example use a part of the DestinguishedName if an OU is called Workstations for example.

Good luck!

App-v 4.6 large cache detection and alert script

App-v 4.6 generates sometime a large sftfs.fsd file. Users are experiencing performance issues when the file exceeds 15 GB. To fix this problem administrators remove the file by rebooting the Xenapp in safe mode. No user should be logged in of course. The Citrix servers therefore need to be empty. My colleagues ran a VB script that did the job of detecting but nothing else. I have made a script in Powershell that does the same but also set the server in ProhibitLogOns logon mode. The implement this script the server must have the Xenapp SDK installed. The server which runs the script need to have relay rights on the SMTP server. You’ll also need to have a Xenapp Server with PSRemoting enabled or the server itself should be member of the Xenapp farm.

#Load Modules and Snapins
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Add-PSSnapin Citrix*
#Opens array for servers that apply on the conditions specified below
$ProhibitLogonServers =@()
#Get all Xenapp server based on OU
$list = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Citrix Servers,OU=Servers,DC=Domain,DC=LOCAL"
Foreach ($Computer in $List){$Server = $Computer.DNSHostName 
$Result = GI "\\$Server\d$\AppVClientcache\Global\SoftGrid Client\sftfs.fsd"
If ($result.length -ne 0){$Outinfo = $Server+";"+$Result.length+" Bytes"
AC -Value $Outinfo -Path ".\log.csv"
#The conditions are met if the file is greater and engels 15 GB
If (($Result.length / 1073741824 ) -ge 15){$ProhibitLogonServers += $Computer}}}

#Mail message if no server are found                                                                                                                                                                            
If ($ProhibitLogonServers.length -eq 0){
$Mail = "Er is geen server gevonden die voldoet aan de voorwaarden om op ProhibitLogons te worden gezet" + "`n`n" + "Met Vriendelijke groet," +  "`n" + "Ochtend Controle Script"
Send-MailMessage -From "SendingAddress" -Subject "Prohibitlogons Report" -To "DestinationAddress" -Body $mail -SmtpServer $SMTP}

#Mail message one server is found
If ($ProhibitLogonServers.count -eq 1){
$Mail = "Er is een server gevonden die voldoet aan de voorwaarden om op ProhibitLogons te worden gezet. De server heeft als naam:" + "`n`n" + "$ProhibitlogonServers.Name" +"`n`n"+ "Met vriendelijke groet," + "`n`n" + "Ochtendcontrole Script"
Send-MailMessage -From "SendingAddress" -Subject "Prohibitlogons Report" -To "DestinationAddress" -Body $mail -SmtpServer $SMTP}

#Mail message if more than one server is found
If ($ProhibitLogonServers.count -gt 1){
$Mail = "Er zijn servers gevonden die voldoen aan de voorwaarden om op ProhibitLogons te worden gezet. De servers hebben de naam:" + "`n`n"
foreach ($server in $prohibitlogonservers){$Mail = $Mail + $Server.Name + "`r`n"}
$Mail = $Mail  + "`n" + "Met vriendelijke groet," + "`n`n" + "Ochtend Controle Script"
Send-MailMessage -From "SendingAddress" -Subject "Prohibitlogons Report" -To "DestinationAddress" -Body $mail -SmtpServer $SMTP}

#Opens array to check if the server has been set to prohibit logons. If servers are found a retry will be executed
$FailedServers = @()
If ($Prohibitlogonservers -ne $null){
Foreach ($Server in $Prohibitlogonservers){Set-XAServerLogOnMode -ServerName $Server.Name -LogOnMode Prohibitlogons -ComputerName CitrixServer}
Foreach ($Server in $Prohibitlogonservers){If ((Get-XAServer -ServerName $Server.Name -ComputerName CitrixServer).LogonMode -notmatch "ProhibitLogonOns"){$FailedServers += $Server}}}

#If a server is rebooting during the process you do want to make sure that server is set to Prohibit Logons. 
Start-sleep -s 900

#Retry setting the server to prohibit logons
If ($Failedservers.count -ne 0){
Foreach ($Server in $FailedServers){Set-XAServerLogOnMode -ServerName $Server.Name -LogOnMode Prohibitlogons -ComputerName CitrixServer}
$Failedservers = @()
Foreach ($Server in $FailedServers){If ((Get-XAServer -ServerName $Server.Name -ComputerName CitrixServer).LogonMode -notmatch "ProhibitLogonOns"){$FailedServers += $Server}}}

#Mail message if servers aren't set to prohibit logons
If ($Failedservers.count -ne 0){$Mail = "Er zijn servers niet succesvol op prohibitlogons gezet. Deze servers zijn:" + "`n`n"
foreach ($server in $Failedservers){$Mail = $Mail + $Server.Name + "`r`n"}
$Mail = $Mail  + "`n" +'Zet deze server(s) handmatig op ProhibitLogons' + "`n`n" + "Met vriendelijke groet," + "`n`n" + "Ochtend Controle Script"
Send-MailMessage -From "SendingAddress" -Subject "Prohibitlogons Failed" -To "DestinationAddress" -Body $mail -SmtpServer $SMTP}


Script to check when a XenApp server is set to prohibit logons

It is hard to find out who set a server to Prohibit logons in XenApp. I had some spare time to make a oneliner for the service desk to search the eventlog for any records matching the specifics. The Logon process is run by the ImaService. When you know when to server is set to prohibit logon, you may find the administrator.

$List2 =@() ;$load = (qfarm /load) ;write-host $Load[1];Write-Host $load[2]; Foreach ($item in $load){If ($Item -match "ProhibitLogons"){Write-host $item;$Item2 = $item -split " " ;$item2 = $item2[0] ; $List2 += $Item2}} ;$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) ; Foreach ($item in $list2){Get-EventLog -LogName Application -after $Date -ComputerName $item -InstanceId 1073751835 | ? {$_.Message -match "Prohibit"} | Select TimeGenerated,MachineName}

Or if you feel more comfortable having a script you can do the following:

$List2 =@() 
$load = (qfarm /load) 
write-host $Load[1]
Write-Host $load[2]
Foreach ($item in $load){If ($Item -match "ProhibitLogons"){
Write-host $item
$Item2 = $item -split " " 
$item2 = $item2[0] 
$List2 += $Item2}} 
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) 
Foreach ($item in $list2){
Get-EventLog -LogName Application -after $Date -ComputerName $item -InstanceId 1073751835 | ? {$_.Message -match "Prohibit"} | Select TimeGenerated,MachineName}

This “Script” runs a qfarm /load. Next presenting the users with a table from qfarm. It only lists server that are set to prohibitlogons. It splits the name from the rest and adds that to a array. The date is queried minus one day. You can change that to more or less. Next the Eventlog of the XenApp server is queried for a matching record. You can also set $_.EventID -match “10011” for the matching eventID. At the last step there’s a select-object for the TimeGenerated and MachineName