Recently I needed to have an export of all services. To be more specific I needed to have an export of Log On As field of all services. I wanted to have this export for alle computers in de domain. I wanted only servers but you can modify the script as you wish. For this to work you’ll need to have PSRemoting enabled on all servers. I wrote a script that does that job.
I added a LastLogonDate as that can confirm that the specified server is logged on lately. I used 15 days because the LastLogonTimeStamp isn’t a hard value. The Timestamp can fall behind anywhere from 14 to 8 days. So by specifying 15 days you are safe.
Ipmo ActiveDirectory $Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-15) $list = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'OperatingSystem -like "Windows Server 20*" -and LastLogonDate -gt $Date' -Properties LastLogonDate,Operatingsystem Foreach ($Computer in $List){$Export = $Null $Export = Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName $Computer.DnsHostName | select Name,Startname,Systemname If ($Export -ne $Null){$Export | Export-CSV ".\Services.csv" -Delimiter ";" -Append -NoTypeInformation} If ($Export -eq $Null){AC -Value $Computer.DNSHostName -Path ".\Error.csv"}}