Category Archives: Inrichting

Inrichting van servers

Office 2010,2013 activation problem

For a customer I prepared an image. This image contained  a 32 bit version of Office 2010. I needed to enter a key for the installation. At that point I did not had access to their  volume licensing. I wanted to complete the image as soon as possible. That is why I entered a MSDN key. I was unaware at that point that this would cause many problems. First of all the deployed image at that point didn’t accept MAK keys. When I entered the MAK key I received an error that the key was incorrect. After an hour of troubleshooting I downloaded the VL version of Office 2010. I clicked on install. After install Office 2010 accepted my key. However it didn’t activate. I had to call Microsoft Activiation Center in order to activate the key. I asked them why automatic activation did not work. They said that I had to contact MSDN Activation Support. I put the two together and knew that this was caused by the MSDN key that somewhere was activated. I looked for an activation key in the registry somewhere. After deleting some keys I could activate. The keys are:


And if you installed the 32 bit Office 2010:


Do this before you install Office 2010 VL.

Add Printer Script Unique Print Drivers

For an automated installation it was necessary to have an up to date list of the printer drivers. As print manufactorers occassionally add a dozen printer drivers into one setup we wanted to have a script that connects to all on duty print servers. I used the function Add-PrinterDriver for this cause. In the RES Automation Manager script there was some code necessary to first add a feature if it wasn’t present:

Import-Module ServerManager
$RSATADPowerShell = Get-WindowsFeature -Name "RSAT-AD-PowerShell"
If ($RSATADPowerShell.Installed -match "False"){
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell}

Then I added the function in another script:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#Functie Add-PrinterDriver
function Add-PrinterDriver { 
              [string] $PrintServer, 
              [switch] $Clean 

#Collecting all shared printer objects from the specified print server 
$allprinters = @(Get-WmiObject win32_printer -ComputerName $PrintServer -Filter 'shared=true') 
#Defining all unique printer drivers from the specified print server 
$drivers = @($allprinters | Select-Object drivername -Unique) 
#Defining a collection containing the first printer object using a unique printer driver 
$printers = @() 
foreach ($item in $drivers){ 
$printers += @($allprinters | Where-Object {$_.drivername -eq $item.drivername})[0] 

#Collecting locally installed drivers 
$localdrivers = @() 
foreach ($driver in (Get-WmiObject Win32_PrinterDriver)){ 
$localdrivers += @(($ -split ",")[0]) 

#Initializing the CurrentPrinter variable for use with Write-Progress 
$CurrentPrinter = 1 

#Looping through the printer objects collection, installing those who are not already installed on the local computer 
foreach ($printer in $printers) { 

Write-Progress -Activity "Installing printers..." -Status "Current printer: $($" -Id 1 -PercentComplete (($CurrentPrinter/$printers.count) * 100) 

#Create hash-table for output object 
$outputobject = @{} 
$outputobject.drivername = $printer.drivername 

$locallyinstalled = $localdrivers | Where-Object {$_ -eq $printer.drivername} 
if (-not $locallyinstalled) { 
Write-Verbose "$($printer.drivername) is not installed locally" 
$AddPrinterConnection = Invoke-WmiMethod -Path Win32_Printer -Name AddPrinterConnection -ArgumentList ([string]::Concat('\', $printer.__SERVER, '', $printer.ShareName)) -EnableAllPrivileges 
$outputobject.returncode = $AddPrinterConnection.ReturnValue 
Write-Verbose "$($printer.drivername) is already installed locally" 
$outputobject.returncode = "Already installed" 

#Create a new object for each driver, based on the outputobject hash-table 
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $outputobject 

$CurrentPrinter ++ 


#Deletes all printer connections for the current user 
if ($clean) { 
$printers = Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -EnableAllPrivileges -Filter network=true 
if ($printers) { 
foreach ($printer in $printers) { 

$OS = (Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).Caption.replace("Microsoft ","").Replace("Standard ","Standard").Replace("Enterprise ","Enterprise").Replace("Datacenter ","Datacenter")
$ADPrintservers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property * |Where {$ -like "PR*"} | select DNSHostName,OperatingSystem
$Pingable =@()
foreach ($computer in $ADPrintservers){
if (Test-Connection $Computer.DNSHostName -quiet) { $Pingable += $Computer}}
foreach ($Computer in $Pingable){
If ($OS -contains $Computer.OperatingSystem){
Add-PrinterDriver -Printserver $Computer.DNSHostName}}

The script above enumerates all servers starting with PR*. Next this script test whether the server is pingable or not. You could enter credentials if you disabled pinging to the Test-Connection command. Next it validates if the server has the same OS as the print server. Some print servers are around for the 32 bit environment. You can also add a filter for that. At the end it deletes the space that is somehow added to the replace part of OS variable.  The bare function is like this:

function Add-PrinterDriver { 
              [string] $PrintServer, 
              [switch] $Clean 

#Collecting all shared printer objects from the specified print server 
$allprinters = @(Get-WmiObject win32_printer -ComputerName $PrintServer -Filter 'shared=true') 
#Defining all unique printer drivers from the specified print server 
$drivers = @($allprinters | Select-Object drivername -Unique) 
#Defining a collection containing the first printer object using a unique printer driver 
$printers = @() 
foreach ($item in $drivers){ 
$printers += @($allprinters | Where-Object {$_.drivername -eq $item.drivername})[0] 

#Collecting locally installed drivers 
$localdrivers = @() 
foreach ($driver in (Get-WmiObject Win32_PrinterDriver)){ 
$localdrivers += @(($ -split ",")[0]) 

#Initializing the CurrentPrinter variable for use with Write-Progress 
$CurrentPrinter = 1 

#Looping through the printer objects collection, installing those who are not already installed on the local computer 
foreach ($printer in $printers) { 

Write-Progress -Activity "Installing printers..." -Status "Current printer: $($" -Id 1 -PercentComplete (($CurrentPrinter/$printers.count) * 100) 

#Create hash-table for output object 
$outputobject = @{} 
$outputobject.drivername = $printer.drivername 

$locallyinstalled = $localdrivers | Where-Object {$_ -eq $printer.drivername} 
if (-not $locallyinstalled) { 
Write-Verbose "$($printer.drivername) is not installed locally" 
$AddPrinterConnection = Invoke-WmiMethod -Path Win32_Printer -Name AddPrinterConnection -ArgumentList ([string]::Concat('\', $printer.__SERVER, '', $printer.ShareName)) -EnableAllPrivileges 
$outputobject.returncode = $AddPrinterConnection.ReturnValue 
Write-Verbose "$($printer.drivername) is already installed locally" 
$outputobject.returncode = "Already installed" 

#Create a new object for each driver, based on the outputobject hash-table 
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $outputobject 

$CurrentPrinter ++ 


#Deletes all printer connections for the current user 
if ($clean) { 
$printers = Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -EnableAllPrivileges -Filter network=true 
if ($printers) { 
foreach ($printer in $printers) { 

This function lets powershell connect to the printserver. It does a query on all shared printers. Then it sorts the results to unique values. At last it connects to that printer which causes the driver to be installed. There is a group policy necessary for this to work. The following policy settings are mandatory:



This is a computer policy located at Computer Configuration –> Windows Settings –> Printers –> Point and Print Restrictions