Compare AD User Properties

An administrator had to resolve an issue with a user account that could not sync with Share file. He thought that he had tried everything and so wanted to compare an Active Directory user that he copied from the trouble account with the actual user. The copied user did not have any trouble. After comparing he found that the user was member of an Active Directory Protected Group (aka Admincount=1). I made a Powershell script for him so he could compare the two.

Write-Host "Dit script vergelijkt twee Active Directory Users met elkaar."
$Outputdir = ".\exports\"
$Continue = "Y"
While ($Continue -eq "Y"){

While ($User1 -eq $Null){
$User1Value = Read-Host "Geef eerste user op"
$User1 = Get-ADUser $User1Value -Properties *}

While ($User2 -eq $Null){
$User2Value = Read-Host "Geef tweede user op"
$User2 = Get-ADUser $User2Value -Properties *

	$Usercomparison = @()
	$Usercomparison2 = @()

	$User1.GetEnumerator() | % {
		If ($User2.($_.Key) -eq $_.Value.value)
			$Comparison = 'Gelijk'
			$Comparison = 'Verschilt'

		$UserObject = New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
			Property = $_.Key
			$User1Value = $_.Value
			$User2Value = $User2.($_.Key)
			Overeenkomst = $Comparison
		$UserObject2 = New-Object PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
			Property = $_.Key
			$User1Value = $_.Value.Value
			$User2Value = $User2.($_.Key)
			Overeenkomst = $Comparison
		$UserComparison += $UserObject
		$UserComparison2 += $UserObject2


while ($Difference -notmatch "[y|n]"){$Difference = read-host "Wil je filteren op gegevens die verschillen?(Y/N)"}

If ($Difference -eq "Y"){$UserComparison | ? {$_.Overeenkomst -match "Verschilt"} | FT}

while ($Choice -notmatch "[y|n]"){$choice = read-host "Wil je een export maken van de ongefilterde gegevens? (Y/N)"}
If ($Choice -eq "Y"){
Write-Host "Er wordt een export gemaakt van de bovenstaande gegevens op de locatie:"
If ((Test-Path ("$OutputDir"+"UserComparison-"+"$User1Value"+"$User2Value"+".csv")) -eq $True){
$List = GCI "$OutputDir" | ? {$_.FullName -match ("UserComparison-"+"$User1Value"+"$User2Value")}
[int]$Count = $list.count
If ($Count -ne $null){[string]$Count = ("-"+"$Count")}
$UserComparison2 | Export-csv -Path ("$OutputDir"+"UserComparison-"+"$User1Value"+"$User2Value"+"$Count"+".csv") -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"
$Item = GI ("$OutputDir"+"UserComparison-"+"$User1Value"+"$User2Value"+"$Count"+".csv")
Remove-Variable User1,User1value,User2,User2value,Choice,Continue,Difference
While ($Continue -notmatch "[y|n]"){$Continue = Read-Host "Wil je nog een vergelijking uitvoeren? (Y/N)"}