Count homedirectories

For management purposes creating a report with the directory size of users’s home directory you can use this script. It will count the total size of the home directory per user. It will get the user’s name based on the name of the home directory. This wil be written down in the file.

$list = @(GCI "\\Fileserver\users$" -Force| ?{$_.PsIsContainer -eq $True})
$Header1 = ("DisplayName;Gebruikersnaam;Grootte in MB")
$Header2 = ("Hoofdmap;Grootte in MB")
$Path1 = ".\Overzicht-H-Schijven.csv"
AC -Value $Header1 -Path $Path1
$Path1 = GI $Path1

Foreach ($Item in $List)
$Result = @(GCI ($Item.FullName) -Recurse -Force)
[Int]$Count = 0
Foreach ($ResultItem in $Result){$Count = $Count + $ResultItem.Length / 1MB}
$Value = ((Get-ADUser $Item.Name).Name + ";" + $Item.Name+ ";" + $Count)
AC -Value $Value -Path $Path1

$Body = "Beste,

Hierbij het overzicht van de grootte van de H Schijven van de gebruikers van uw organisatie.

$list = Import-CSV $Path1.FullName -Delimiter ";"
$list | % { $_."Grootte in MB" = [int]$_."Grootte in MB" }
$list = $list | Sort -Property Gebruikersnaam -Unique | Sort -Property "Grootte in MB" -Descending
$list | Export-CSV $Path1.FullName -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation -Force

Send-MailMessage -From "" -Subject "Gebruiker overzicht " -To "emailadress@domain.tld" -Body $Body -SmtpServer "mailserver" -Attachments $Path1.FullName

RI $Path1 -Force