Find user session on all active servers

If you want to find a session on all active servers in the domain you can make use of the command quser /server:whatever. This displays the session details from that server. This is handy if some administrator has locked his account because of old sessions on some server. There’re alternative ways to find this. I made a post awhile back. See it here.

IPMO ActiveDirectory

$List2 = @()

$List = Get-ADComputer -Properties passwordlastset,operatingsystem -Filter * | ?{$_.PasswordLastSet -gt (Get-Date).Adddays(-30) -and $_.OperatingSystem -match "Server"}

Foreach ($item in $list){
	[String]$Server = $item.Name
	$Result =@( (quser /server:$Server) -replace '\s{2,}',','|ConvertFrom-Csv)
		Foreach ($object in $result){
			If ($Object.UserName -Match $Username){$Output = ($Server + ";" + $Object.UserName + ";" + $Object.State)
			$List2 += $Output