Split Function

function Split-array

<# .SYNOPSIS Split an array .PARAMETER inArray A one dimensional array you want to split .EXAMPLE Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -parts 3 .EXAMPLE Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -size 3 #>


if ($parts) {
 $PartSize = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $parts)
 if ($size) {
 $PartSize = $size
 $parts = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $size)

$outArray = @()
 for ($i=1; $i -le $parts; $i++) {
 $start = (($i-1)*$PartSize)
 $end = (($i)*$PartSize) - 1
 if ($end -ge $inArray.count) {$end = $inArray.count}
 return ,$outArray




-eq Equal
-ne Not equal
-ge Greater than or equal
-gt Greater than
-lt Less than
-le Less than or equal
-like Wildcard comparison
-notlike Wildcard comparison
-match Regular expression comparison
-notmatch Regular expression comparison
-replace Replace operator
-contains Containment operator
-notcontains Containment operator

To perform a Case-Sensitive comparison just prefix any of the above with “c”
for example -ceq for case-sensitive Equals or -creplace for case-sensitive replace.

Similarly prefixing with “i” will explicitly make the operator case insensitive.
-is Is of a type
-isnot Is not of a type
-as As a type, no error if conversion fails

Logical operators
-and Logical And
-or Logical Or
-not logical not
! logical not

Bitwise operators
-band Bitwise and
-bor Bitwise or

Restore exported ACL on folder

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

$csv = gci .CSVFiles* -Include *.csv

$list += import-csv $CSV -Delimiter ';'
foreach ($entry in $list){
$Folderpath=$entry.'Folder path'

$OldACL = get-acl $Folderpath
$Newpermission = ($Identity,$FileSystemRights,$Inheritanceflags,$PropagationFlags,$AccessControlType)
write-host $Newpermission
$AccessRule = new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $NewPermission
$OldAcl | Set-ACL $Folderpath

Export permissions to CSV file

$OutFile = "C:Permissions.csv"
$Header = "Folder Path,IdentityReference,AccessControlType,IsInherited,InheritanceFlags,PropagationFlags"
Del $OutFile
Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $OutFile

$RootPath = "C:Test"

$Folders = dir $RootPath -recurse | where {$_.psiscontainer -eq $true}

foreach ($Folder in $Folders){
$ACLs = get-acl $Folder.fullname | ForEach-Object { $_.Access }
Foreach ($ACL in $ACLs){
$OutInfo = $Folder.Fullname + "," + $ACL.IdentityReference + "," + $ACL.AccessControlType + "," + $ACL.IsInherited + "," + $ACL.InheritanceFlags + "," + $ACL.PropagationFlags
Add-Content -Value $OutInfo -Path $OutFile

Rechten op nieuwe folder uitdelen

new-item -path h: -name Folder1Folder2 -type directory
Sleep -s 30

$Domain = "$Domain$Groepsnaam"
$NewACL = get-acl $locatie
$Newpermission = ($Domain,"Modify, Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None","Allow")
$AccessRule = new-object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule $NewPermission
$NewAcl | Set-ACL $locatie

Volgnummer bijhouden in een CSV file

Import-module 'ActiveDirectory'
 $getadusers = @()
 $filter = @()
 $samaccountnamelijst = @()
 $Header = 'Samaccountname'
 $CSV = '.\Gemeentenet.csv'
 $Extension = $null
 $import = @()
 Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $CSV
 $getadusers = Get-aduser -filter *
 foreach ($entry in $getadusers){if ($entry -ne $null){$samaccountnamelijst += $entry.samaccountname}}
 foreach ($sam in $samaccountnamelijst){Add-Content -Value $sam -Path $CSV}
 $Deelnemerlijst = @()
 $allusers = import-csv $csv
 foreach ($Deelnemeruser in $allusers){if ($Deelnemeruser -match $deelnemer){$Deelnemerlijst += $Deelnemeruser}}
 $Deelnemerlijst | export-csv .\$Deelnemer.csv

$entry = $null
$username = 'othext'
 $CSV = '.\Gemeentenet.csv'
 $import = @()
 $filter = @()
 $import = import-csv $csv
 foreach ($entry in $import){if ($entry -match $username){$filter += $entry.samaccountname}}
 $filter = $filter -split "@{samaccountname=" |sort
 $filter = $filter -split "$username" | sort
 $filter = $filter -split "}" | Sort -Descending
 $nummer = [int]$filter[0]

Add-content -Value $volledigesamaccountname -path $csv

XLSX aanmaken in Powershell

$csvs = Get-ChildItem .* -Include *.csv
 Write-Host “Detected the following CSV files: ($y)”
 foreach ($csv in $csvs)
 Write-Host ” “$csv.Name
 $outputfilename = read-host “Please enter the output file name: “
 Write-Host Creating: $outputfilename
 $excelapp = new-object -comobject Excel.Application
 $excelapp.sheetsInNewWorkbook = $csvs.Count
 $xlsx = $excelapp.Workbooks.Add()

foreach ($csv in $csvs)
 $worksheet = $xlsx.Worksheets.Item($sheet)
 $worksheet.Name = $csv.Name
 $file = (Get-Content $csv)
 foreach($line in $file)
 $linecontents=$line -split ‘,(?!s*w+”)’
 foreach($cell in $linecontents)
 $worksheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $cell
