As you will probably know, ESXi does not support Time Zones for whatever reasons. Sometimes however Windows takes over the system time of de ESXi host. If you configured NTP services well enough this shouldn’t cause any problems. If you didn’t you need to configure the time manually. You can of course also need this for just checking of the time is right.
Check the time:
esxcli system time get
Set the time:
esxcli system time set -d 28 -M 4 -y 2014 -H 10 -m 0 -s 0
Please bare in mind that ESXi does not support timezones so you should configure the time for the timezone for UTC. Also keep in mind that if you configured ESXi to check the NTP from now and then that the time will be off again. The best thing to do is to configure the NTP infrastructure in Windows.