It is hard to find out who set a server to Prohibit logons in XenApp. I had some spare time to make a oneliner for the service desk to search the eventlog for any records matching the specifics. The Logon process is run by the ImaService. When you know when to server is set to prohibit logon, you may find the administrator.
$List2 =@() ;$load = (qfarm /load) ;write-host $Load[1];Write-Host $load[2]; Foreach ($item in $load){If ($Item -match "ProhibitLogons"){Write-host $item;$Item2 = $item -split " " ;$item2 = $item2[0] ; $List2 += $Item2}} ;$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1) ; Foreach ($item in $list2){Get-EventLog -LogName Application -after $Date -ComputerName $item -InstanceId 1073751835 | ? {$_.Message -match "Prohibit"} | Select TimeGenerated,MachineName}
Or if you feel more comfortable having a script you can do the following:
$List2 =@()
$load = (qfarm /load)
write-host $Load[1]
Write-Host $load[2]
Foreach ($item in $load){If ($Item -match "ProhibitLogons"){
Write-host $item
$Item2 = $item -split " "
$item2 = $item2[0]
$List2 += $Item2}}
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
Foreach ($item in $list2){
Get-EventLog -LogName Application -after $Date -ComputerName $item -InstanceId 1073751835 | ? {$_.Message -match "Prohibit"} | Select TimeGenerated,MachineName}
This “Script” runs a qfarm /load. Next presenting the users with a table from qfarm. It only lists server that are set to prohibitlogons. It splits the name from the rest and adds that to a array. The date is queried minus one day. You can change that to more or less. Next the Eventlog of the XenApp server is queried for a matching record. You can also set $_.EventID -match “10011” for the matching eventID. At the last step there’s a select-object for the TimeGenerated and MachineName