Tag Archives: String

Correct data in mobile field in AD

A script changed the format of values in the Mobile field in AD. This however caused errors in the operation of soft tokens. I made an export of all mobile phone numbers and noticed that there were more errors. As so I’ve made a script that uses the substring method to correct the values. Please feel free to change it as desired.

$List2 = @()
$List = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties Mobile | ?{$_.Mobile -ne $Null}
Foreach ($Item in $List)
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,2) -notmatch "06" -or $Item.Mobile.Length -ne "10")
		$List2 += $Item

Foreach ($Item in $List2)
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,3) -match "316"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($item.mobile.Substring(0,3).Replace("316","06") + $Item.Mobile.Substring(3))}
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,1) -match "6"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($item.mobile.Substring(0,1).Replace("6","06") + $Item.Mobile.Substring(1))}
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,4) -match "\+316"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($item.mobile.Substring(0,4).Replace('+316',"06") + $Item.Mobile.Substring(4))}
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,5) -match "00316"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($item.mobile.Substring(0,5).Replace("00316","06") + $Item.Mobile.Substring(5))}	
	If ($Item.Mobile.Substring(0,3) -match "013"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone $Null}	
	If ($Item.Mobile -match " "){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($Item.Mobile.Replace(" ",""))}
	If ($Item.Mobile -match "-"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone ($Item.Mobile.Replace("-",""))}
	If ($Item.Mobile -match "Geen"){Set-ADUser -Identity $Item.sAMAccountName -MobilePhone $Null}

Convert String to Scriptblock Function

You cannot invoke-command a string. You should use a Scriptblock. If you import a value as a string you can convert it only if it is a single value string using the following command:


To convert an multivalue array to scriptblock you can use a module as shown below:

function Convert-StringToScriptBlock {
$sb = [scriptblock]::Create($string)
return $sb

Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Convert-StringToScriptBlock'

