Get file size of old files on a fileserver

So I was at a costumer. They wanted an export of the file size that files older than 7 years populate on the file server. I made a very simple script that does the job.

$Locatie = "D:\"
#Verander het cijfer om het aantal jaar aan te passen
$Datum = (Get-Date).AddYears(-7)
$Outfile = ".\Output.txt"
$List = @(GCI $Locatie -Recurse | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt $Datum})
$Outinfo = "De lijst bevat "+ $list.count +" bestanden"
Add-Content -Path $Outfile -Value $Outinfo
$Bytes = 0
ForEach ($Item in $List){($Bytes=$Bytes + [int]$Item.length)}
$Outinfo = "De Bestanden bevatten $Bytes bytes"
Add-Content -Path $Outfile -Value $Outinfo
$Outinfo = "Dat is "+ $Bytes/1048576 +" MegaBytes"
Add-Content -Path $Outfile -Value $Outinfo