Monitor members of the Administrative Group

In a domain with multiple Administrators a rogue Administrator case should be avoided. Some Administrators want to built a backdoor into the domain for whatever reason. Managing these backdoors should be a priority. I have written a script that queries members of the Administrative groups that you might want to monitor. The script than compares it with a reference list that was previously created. If an Administrator is added or removed from one of the group you’ll be notified by mail. To make this work you need to schedule this Powershell script. You’ll also need to have relay permission to a SMTP server from where you run the script. In my case I added a schedule of once an hour. The script expects a file called “Groepenlijst” in which you add the groups.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Path = "LocationOfFile"
$Groups = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match "Groepenlijst"} | Get-Content
$MailServer = "Mailserver"
$Recipients = "Recipient@Domain.TLD","Recipient@Domain.TLD","Recipient@Domain.TLD"

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Result = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match $Group}
If ($Result -eq $null){$Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$File = ($Path+"\"+$Group+".csv")
$Members | Export-CSV -Path $File -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Result = GCI $Path | Where {$_.FullName -match $Group}
$DifferenceList = Import-CSV $Result.FullName
$ReferenceList =  Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$MembersRemoved = @()
$MembersAdded = @()
$CompareResult =@( Compare -Property SamAccountName -ReferenceObject $ReferenceList -DifferenceObject $DifferenceList)

Foreach ($item in $CompareResult){
If ($item.sideindicator -eq "<="){$MembersAdded += $Item}
If ($item.sideindicator -eq "=>"){$MembersRemoved += $Item}

If ($MembersAdded.count -ne 0){
If ($Body -ne $null){
If ($MembersAdded.Count -gt 1){$Body = $Body +"`n`n" + "Er zijn nieuwe members toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersAdded){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountName + "`n"}}
If ($MembersAdded.Count -eq 1){$Body = $Body + "`n`n" + "Er is een nieuwe member toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersAdded.samaccountName}}
If ($Body -eq $null){
If ($MembersAdded.Count -gt 1){$Body = "Er zijn nieuwe members toegevoegd aan de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersAdded){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountname + "`n"}}
If ($MembersAdded.Count -eq 1){$Body = "Er is een nieuwe member toegevoegd aan groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersAdded.samaccountname}}
If ($MembersRemoved.count -ne 0){
If ($Body -ne $null){
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -gt 1){$Body = $Body +"`n`n" + "Er zijn members verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersRemoved){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountName + "`n"}}
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -eq 1){$Body = $Body + "`n`n" + "Er is een member verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersRemoved.samaccountName}}
If ($Body -eq $null){
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -gt 1){$Body = "Er zijn members verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De members zijn:" + "`n`n"
Foreach ($Item in $MembersRemoved){if ($item.sideindicator -eq "=>"){$Body = $Body + $item.samaccountname + "`n"}}}
If ($MembersRemoved.Count -eq 1){$Body = "Er is een member verwijderd uit de groep: "+ $Group + ". De member is:" + "`n`n" + $MembersRemoved.samaccountname}}

If ($Body -ne $null){
Send-MailMessage -From "FromAddress@Domain.TLD" -Subject "Nieuwe of verwijderde Member(s) voor administratieve groepen" -To $Recipients  -Body $Body -SmtpServer $MailServer

Foreach ($Group in $Groups){
$Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -recursive | Select SamAccountName
$File = ($Path+"\"+$Group+".csv")
$Members | Export-CSV -Path $File -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation -Force

In my “groepenlijst” I have added the following groups:

Domain Admins
Enterprise Admins
Schema Admins
Backup Operators
Organization Management
Server Operators
Server Management

Adjust this at will.