Registry permissions of users by mistake overwritten

An administrator applied an GPO which overwrites the permissions on the registry of users by mistake.  This results in users who cannot login after they lost permissions on their ntuser.dat registry hive.

We had an immediate problem with the users so decided to restore the entire terminal profiles share. However you can choose to solve the problem. I’ve written a script really quite to at least know how big the problem really is.

We have PSremoting enabled on all terminal servers. Which gave us the posibility to run the script on the entire environment.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * | Where {$_.Name -match "TERMINALSERVERPREFIX"}

Foreach ($Computer in $Computers){

Enter-Pssession $Computer
New-PSDrive -PSProvider Registry -Name HKU -Root HKEY_USERS
 Set-Location HKU:
 $list = GCI
 $Hostname = Hostname
 $Export = "C:\Permissions"+"_"+"$Hostname"+".csv"
 Foreach ($item in $list){$ACLs = Get-ACL $Item.PSChildName | Foreach-Object { $_.Access }
 Foreach ($ACL in $ACLs){
 If ($ACL.IdentityReference -match "ADGROUP Or User"){$Value = $Item.Name + ";" + $ACL.IdentityReference + ";" + $ACL.AccessControlType + ";" + $ACL.IsInherited + ";" + $ACL.InheritanceFlags + ";" + $ACL.PropagationFlags + ";" + $ACL.FileSystemRights
 Add-Content -Value $Value -Path $Export}}}
 Set-Location C:
 Copy-Item -Path $Export -Destination "\\Shared Location"


This writes back the SID on which an Active Directory Group had permissions on. You can of course use the information given but you have the compare the SID’s with your Active Directory SID.

Exporting the SID’s of your AD can be done by running the following code:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Export = "C:\SIDS.csv"
$List = Get-ADUser -filter * | Select Name,SID
$Header = "Name;SID"
Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $Export
Foreach ($Item in $list){
$Outinfo = $item.Name + ";" + $Item.SID
Add-Content -Value $Outinfo -Path $Export}


Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Export = "C:\SIDS.csv"
$List = Get-ADUser -filter * | Select Name,SID
$list | Export-CSV -Path $Export -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation