Sign your scripts

In some high security environments is it required to sign you scripts. To do so you need a code sign certificate. One of the cheapest around is the one of StartSSL costing you only $ 59,99 or roughly € 40 ~ € 45.

I requested a code sign certificate via their site. The advantage of signing scripts with a public certificate is obviously that the script is trusted and you won’t be prompted to approve the script.

To sign a script you need to have the code signing certificate installed and also you need the function Set-AuthenticodeSignature. It is highly recommended that you use a timestamp server. This will ensure that the code is signed when the certificate was valid. So if you certificate expired you won’t have to sign all you code again. StartSSL has a Timestamp Server, but you can use any timestamp server that you prefer. I were at the moment not able to sign my scripts using the StartSSL timestamp server. I use Globalsign at the moment. The certificate from this timestamp server is valid until 2024. If anyone uses your scripts by then, you’d done your job very well ;-).

$Cert=(dir cert:currentuser\my\ -CodeSigningCert)
Set-AuthenticodeSignature ".\Script.ps1" $Cert -IncludeChain All -TimestampServer ""

Including the chain will ensure that any intermediate certificate authority will be trusted. Be sure to save you code in ANSI format and not the default Unicode:BigEndian that Powershell ISE uses. Notepad(++) will save in ANSI by default. You can use the regular Unicode if you have any diacritic stated.

Your script will be appended with some additional code with certificate information. Note that Powershell v3 will need SHA256 algorithm. Powershell v2 (if anyone still usses that) accepts scripts which are sign with anything up to SHA1. You can specify the algorithm you want to use by entering -HashAlgorithm SHA512. By default in v3 and up it is SHA256.